UbN China Webinar #1 / Connecting Nature: Introducing NBS and the UrbanByNature programme in China
This inaugural UrbanByNature China webinar introduces the concept of nature-based solutions (NBS) and discusses how they are being implemented across cities in Europe. In this video, Mr. Marcus Collier from the Connecting Nature project introduces the concept of nature-based solutions and the manifold environmental, ecological and social benefits they provide such as clean air and water, biodiversity and improved health and well-being. He also outlines how Connecting Nature is helping accelerate the proliferation of NBS, namely by devising new methods and tools for NBS financing, nature-based entrepreneurship and measuring the positive impacts of NBS.
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The UrbanByNature programme is funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union under Grant Agreements No. 730222 and No. 776604. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies within UrbanByNature and in no way reflects the views of the European Union.