City of A Coruna, Spain

UrbanByNature Spain

UrbanByNature Spain

Led by the municipality of A Coruña with the support of the University of A Coruña, the new UrbanByNature Spain hub will initially focus on the topics of NBS and urban regeneration, NBS co-production, embedding NBS into city-wide strategies, protecting and recovering biodiversity in urban areas, and the benefits of NBS to health and well-being.

A five-part webinar series commencing in early 2022 will set the programme in motion.

Several institutions and organisations expressed interest in joining the hub at the launch event held in A Coruña on 25 November 2021, such as the Galician Health Service, the Galician School of Landscape, Greenpeace, local environmental association Asociación de Leria na Leira, private sector companies Ingeser Atlántica and 3edata Ingeniería Ambiental, as well as different partners of other H2020 projects such as CLEVER Cities (City of Madrid), NICE (CETIM) and Urbinat (CES - Coimbra University and City of Porto).

UbN launch in Spain
UbN launch in Spain
UbN launch in Spain
UbN launch in Spain
UbN launch in Spain
UbN launch in Spain

“With initiatives like the launch of this Hub, A Coruña is trying to be a leader in the fight against climate change. In the past, we have been hard hit by environmental catastrophes such as the sinking of oil tankers, and we are now facing an increasingly adverse climate. Being one of the cities that lead the way for the mainstreaming of NBS in Europe and in Spain is a huge opportunity, and we want to be up to the challenge."

Esther Fontán, Third Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Environment and Sustainability in the City of A Coruña

Esther Fontán, third Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Environment and Sustainability in the City of A Coruña

“The Galician Health service is pioneering the implementation of NBS, putting the health sector at the center of a cultural transformation based on sustainability, and we will continue advancing on this path as a partner of the New European Bauhaus and through the new UrbanByNature Hub.”

Beatriz Piñeiro Lago, Innovation Technician at SERGAS (Galician Health Service)

beatriz pinera lago

UrbanByNature Spain programme

A webinar series commencing in early 2022 will set the UrbanByNature programme in motion in Spain.

Stay tuned for more information!

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UrbanByNature Spain: New European Bauhaus

Este segundo webinar de UrbanByNature España estará centrado en la Nueva Bauhaus Europea. Aprenderemos más sobre esta iniciativa que busca construir ciudades...

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Map of the UrbanByNature hubs featuring the continents created out of soil and flowers blooming to represent the hubs.

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UrbanByNature Introductory Video

UrbanByNature is a knowledge-sharing and capacity-building programme on nature-based solutions (NBS) created by ICLEI Europe. The programme’s purpose is to support...

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Connecting Nature Impact Summit Genk 2022

Register for the Connecting Nature Impact Summit and learn what is next for UrbanByNature.

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The UrbanByNature programme is funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union under Grant Agreements No. 730222 and No. 776604. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies within UrbanByNature and in no way reflects the views of the European Union.