UrbanByNature China
CLEVER Cities and Connecting Nature have joined forces to bring the UrbanByNature programme to China. Thereby, UbN China is leveraging CLEVER Cities’ expertise on NBS for urban regeneration and Connecting Nature’s wealth of knowledge on NBS for climate & water resilience.
Tailored to the needs and interests of Chinese local governments and urban stakeholders, UbN China is providing capacity-building and good practice exchange on a variety of topics including stakeholder engagement, technical implementation and monitoring of nature-based solutions.
"The ancient Chinese theory that man is an integral part of nature holds more truth than ever amid a time when COVID-19 continues to surge across the world. As the share of the population residing in cities increases in all regions, there is an increasing need for urban decision-makers and citizens to adopt policies and practices to integrate nature into daily life. The ICLEI East Asia Secretariat is excited to facilitate the knowledge and expertise exchange between China and Europe, through UrbanByNature, in mainstreaming nature-based solutions into urban development."
Shu Zhu, Regional Director & China Representative, ICLEI East Asia

UrbanByNature China programme
Launched in November 2020 in Chengdu, China, the UrbanByNature programme is hosting a six-part webinar series for China between June 2021 and February 2022.
Nature in the City — Advancing Social Impact through NbS
CLEVER Cities is excited to invite Horizon Europe/2020 Nature-based Solutions (NbS) projects to Hamburg, Germany for a deep dive into the social and environmental...
UrbanByNature Introductory Video
UrbanByNature is a knowledge-sharing and capacity-building programme on nature-based solutions (NBS) created by ICLEI Europe. The programme’s purpose is to support...
Webinar: Ecosystem restoration and benefits of forests and urban trees
The first UrbanByNature webinar co-organised by REGREEN and CLEARING HOUSE projects will provide insights into the ecosystem restoration and the benefits of forests...
Connecting Nature Impact Summit Genk 2022
Register for the Connecting Nature Impact Summit and learn what is next for UrbanByNature.
UbN China Webinar #6 / Green Construction: Tianjin Eco-City
The final UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar concluded with STEP7/UPSCALE of the UbN programme and focused on main-streaming nature-based solutions in urban planning...
UbN China Webinar #6 / Connecting Nature: Replicating and Upscaling Nature-Based Solutions
The final UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar concluded with STEP7/UPSCALE of the UbN programme and focused on main-streaming nature-based solutions in urban planning...
UbN China Webinar#6 / Clever Cities: The NBS Replication Roadmap
The final UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar concluded with STEP7/UPSCALE of the UbN programme and focused on main-streaming nature-based solutions in urban planning...
UbN China Webinar #6 / Kunming Lake: from Degradation to Restoration
The final UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar concluded with STEP7/UPSCALE of the UbN programme and focused on mainstreaming nature-based solutions in urban planning...
UbN China Webinar #5 / Exploration of methods to evaluate NBS in an urbanised area
The fifth UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar addressed STEP6/MONITOR of the UbN programme and focused on monitoring and evaluation tools and methods for nature-based...
UbN China Webinar #5 / Connecting Nature: NBS Impact Assessment & Place-based approach in Glasgow
The fifth UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar addressed STEP6/MONITOR of the UbN programme and focused on monitoring and evaluation tools and methods for nature-based...
UbN China Webinar #5 / CLEVER Cities: Applying an NBS Monitoring Framework with insights from London
The fifth UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar addressed STEP6/MONITOR of the UbN programme and focused on monitoring and evaluation tools and methods for nature-based...
UbN China Webinar #5 / The effects of NBS in urban regeneration and their measurement
The fifth UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar addressed STEP6/MONITOR of the UbN programme and focused on monitoring and evaluation tools and methods for nature-based...
UbN China Webinar #4 / CLEVER Cities: Selecting and implementing NBS for urban regeneration in Hamburg
The 4th UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar proceeded to STEP5/IMPLEMENT of the UbN programme and provided insights into the technical and financial aspects of NBS...
UbN China Webinar #4 / Turenscape – Leading the Way in Nature-based Landscape Design
The 4th UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar proceeded to STEP5/IMPLEMENT of the UbN programme and provided insights into the technical and financial aspects of NBS...
UbN China Webinar #4 / Cool Up: Planning Nature-based Solutions for Sustainable Cooling in Guangzhou
The 4th UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar proceeded to STEP5/IMPLEMENT of the UbN programme and provided insights into the technical and financial aspects of NBS...
UbN China Webinar #4 /Connecting Nature: Financing, Business Models and Entrepreneurship for NBS
The 4th UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar proceeded to STEP5/IMPLEMENT of the UbN programme and provided insights into the technical and financial aspects of NBS...
UbN China Webinar #3 / Connecting Nature: How to co-produce nature-based solutions
The third UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar proceeded to STEP3/PRIORITISE of the UbN programme and provided insights into the importance of stakeholder engagement...
UbN China Webinar #3 / Co-creating a biophilic city for all: Shenzhen’s WeGarden experience
The third UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar proceeded to STEP3/PRIORITISE of the UbN programme and provided insights into the importance of stakeholder engagement...
UbN China Webinar #3 / CLEVER Cities: NBS co-creation in urban regeneration: Milan's CLEVER experience
The third UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar proceeded to STEP3/PRIORITISE of the UbN programme and provided insights into the importance of stakeholder engagement...
UbN China Webinar #2 / Challenges and opportunities to rewild Chinese cities
The second UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar focused on STEP2/EXPLORE of the UbN programme and explored the enabling conditions and barriers to implementing nature-based...
UbN China Webinar #2 / Enhancing urban resilience with NBS - Sponge Cities as an example
The second UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar focused on STEP2/EXPLORE of the UbN programme and explored the enabling conditions and barriers to implementing nature-based...
UbN China Webinar #2 / CLEVER Cities: Enabling conditions and barriers to NBS implementation
The second UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar focused on STEP2/EXPLORE of the UbN programme and explored the enabling conditions and barriers to implementing nature-based...
UbN China Webinar #1 / Connecting Nature: Introducing NBS and the UrbanByNature programme in China
This inaugural UrbanByNature China webinar introduces the concept of nature based solutions (NBS) and discusses how they are being implemented across cities in Europe....
UbN China Webinar #1 / CLEVER Cities: Exploring nature-based solutions to urban regeneration challenges
This inaugural UrbanByNature China webinar introduces the concept of nature-based solutions (NBS) and discusses how they are being implemented across cities in Europe....
UbN China Webinar #1 / Urban Regeneration in action in Shanghai's Changning District/The Habitat Garden
Mr. Qin Mao from Shanghai’s Changning District presents the habitat garden initiative in Hongxu, a public housing community built in the 1990s, which saw the...
UbN China Webinar #1 / Introduction to the UrbanByNature Programme
Chuntao Yang, Programme Officer of ICLEI's East Asia Secretariat, Beijing Office, introduces UrbanByNature, a programme that empowers local governments around the...
UrbanByNature China launch in Chengdu, China
The Chinese stream of UrbanByNature kicked off at the 4th High-Level International Forum on Sustainable Urban Development, held in Chengdu, China. Read more.

Our partners

The UrbanByNature programme is funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union under Grant Agreements No. 730222 and No. 776604. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies within UrbanByNature and in no way reflects the views of the European Union.